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The Outdoors Project - Wokingham,  Bracknell & Crowthorne

A fresh approach to childcare. Fresh air. Fresh activities. Fresh attitude.

What's on at The Outdoors Project - Holiday Clubs, Birthday Parties, After School Clubs, Saplings & Toddler Groups, School Workshops


"It's childcare during the holidays that they want to go to.” 

Visit the HOLIDAY CLUB INFO page to see schedules at a glance

Book Holiday clubs

February Half Term Holiday Clubs

17th Feb (Mon) - 09:00 - 15:00

Wildmoor Heath School, Lower Broadmoor Road, RG457HD / £37.50

DINOSAUR DETECTIVE: Trouble on T-Rex Island: We’ve been stranded on Jurassic Island! Join our dinosaur detectives to unearth treasures, create a survival camp using bushcraft techniques, recreate dinosaurs from nature, & try to Escape The Island. Bessie the T-Rex hasn’t had her breakfast – make sure you return her eggs without becoming her next meal…!

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18th Feb (Tue) - 09:00 - 15:00

Wildmoor Heath School, Lower Broadmoor Road, RG457HD / £37.50

NERF MEGA GAMES DAY: A high-energy day with team games, building forts, tactics & challenges. Four of the best Nerf games out there: Hunger Games, Tower Defence, VIP Rescue & Man Down, plus an ultimate frisbee-style game with a Nerf howler - Rocket Ball! (Age 6+ recommended)

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18th Feb (Tue) - 09:00 - 15:00

Sandy Lane Primary School, Bracknell, RG12 2JG / £37.50

Minecraft Vs Wild Craft and Tool making Workshop: Welcome to our popular Minecraft Day with a Crafting table tool build. Join us in a Minecraft Survivor challenge outdoors in the real elements. Collect your elements, build and maintain your village, earn reward pixels and protect your land and villagers. Watch out for the Creeper

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19th Feb (Wed) - 09:00 - 15:00

Wildmoor Heath School, Lower Broadmoor Road, RG457HD / £37.50

WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN: Mummies, Treasures & The Cursed Pharaoh! Time to get revenge on Mummy. Play games, make clothing & build horrible historic relics to take home. Immerse yourself in our mini adventure & become the ultimate leader of the Kingdom Of The Cursed Pharaoh

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19th Feb (Wed) - 09:00 - 15:00

Sandy Lane Primary School, Bracknell, RG12 2JG / £37.50

Harry Potter-  Quidditch, Wand Making & Potions Witches & wizards, welcome to the February Half term at Hogwarts! Who will win this year’s Quidditch house cup? Join our most magical themed day. Brew potions in Potions Class, whittle & enchant a wand, & play in our Quidditch tournament

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20th Feb (Thu) - 09:00 - 15:00

Wildmoor Heath School, Lower Broadmoor Road, RG457HD / £37.50

BUSHCRAFT: Light my fire: Are you a Bear Grylls or Bear food!? The test of a true survivalist is their mastery of fire & its safe use. Today we test our skills to the limit. Learn the ways of the Cochise Apache Chief in our rope burn challenge, weave natural cordage bracelets & learn fire lighting tricks, cramp balls & tinder piling

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20th Feb (Thu) - 09:00 - 15:00

Sandy Lane Primary School, Bracknell, RG12 2JG / £37.50

NERF MEGA GAMES DAY  A high-energy day with team games, building forts, tactics & challenges. Four of the best Nerf games out there: Hunger Games, Tower Defence, VIP Rescue & Man Down, plus an ultimate frisbee-style game with a Nerf howler - Rocket Ball! (Age 6+ recommended)

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21st Feb (Fri) - 09:00 - 15:00

Wildmoor Heath School, Lower Broadmoor Road, RG457HD / £37.50

SPACE MISSION: Explosions, Rockets & Aliens: Grab your space suits, kids! One giant leap into the unknown… a day of exploding experiments, blasting things into space, crazy art & completely silly alien games. Explore the galaxy with us!

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“My daughter asked if she can attend this After School Club until she leaves school”

Visit the AFTER SCHOOL CLUB INFO page to see what activities are taking place this term >

Book After school clubs

Crowthorne C of E Primary


The Club runs from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Every Thursday

11 weeks £88.00 (reducing by £8 each week)

The club runs on the following dates:

Januray: 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th

February: 6th, 13th

Half Term: 17th to 21st Feb

February: 27th

March: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th (LAST DAY)

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Wildmoor Heath School


The Club runs from 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm every Monday

10 weeks £80.00 (reducing by £8 each week)

The club runs on the following dates:

January: 13th20th, 27th

February: 3rd, 10th, 

February Half Term 17th - 21st

February: 24th

March: 3rd, 10th, 17th 24th (LAST DAY)

Book now »

As busy parents to 5 children we know first-hand how important it is to ensure our children get outdoors, connecting with nature and living happier and healthier lives. We have very different backgrounds (George as a local business owner and Jay as a global health industry executive) but believe that the combination of our skills and our passion for the outdoors is the perfect formula.  

We had been searching for a business we could run together when we discovered The Outdoors Project and the rest is history!  We feel so fortunate to be able to help children all across the Bracknell & Wokingham area get outdoors, connect with nature, learn new skills and make friends. Our clubs launched in the Summer of 2023 and we already have so many incredible memories and big plans for the future!


Adventure on!

Jay and George


Contact the Wokingham & Bracknell office Send email

Contact Number: 07736 555795

PLEASE NOTE  We are often out and about running sessions and can't always answer the phone, if possible please get in touch via email.  We regularly pick up messages and will get back to you ASAP.  

Party Time with The Outdoors Project!

Party Time with The Outdoors Project!

Looking for a unique birthday party experience for your child? We run fun-filled parties every Saturday with exciting themes like Nerf battles, bushcraft, and wand-making. Read on to learn more!

Patch Design Competition Winners 2024/5

Patch Design Competition Winners 2024/5

Patch design competition winners announced!! We’ve been blown away by the creativity & talent in this year’s Patch Design Competition. See who the winners are and see some of our favourite designs