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A week in the life..

It’s been another busy week for me and The Outdoors Project. Everything from nature detecting and shelter building in the after-school clubs, to Nerf battles in St Ann’s Well Garden Spring Festival and Dyke Road BOAT (Brighton Open Air Theatre) for the Tot Rockin' Beats Festival'.


Saturday at St Ann’s festival was a little damp to say the least, but NERF in the rain is just as fun as in the sun, especially when there are forts and gold NERF blasters. We ran half hour sessions from 1pm and battled on until all the kids left us at 4:30pm, slightly soggy but with smiles on their faces. That’s what it’s all about!

The BOAT Theatre on Sunday was just as fun, but we were better pleased as the sunshine joined us finally. The atmosphere was electric, and the event was sold out so what better way to attract a crowd than by giant bubbles! They were an immediate success with the little ones and sure enough we soon had sign- ups for NERF. Capture the Flag and Man- Down were played and the kids had a blast. It was enjoyed so much by a brother and sister that they signed up again and again throughout the day.

Every Wednesday I run Saplings- our parent and toddler group. It’s hugely rewarding and so much fun. Spring time in St Ann’s well Garden is beautiful because the sea of crocuses and daffodils explode into blossom. Activities this term have included a Gruffulo hunt, making floor faces and mud masks and a sensory treasure hunt for all the signs of spring. This week we went on a bug hunt, and it was so heart-warming to see a parent and their young one peeking into tree trunks and peering under rocks with a glass jar in hand, completely captivated. Lots of bugs found, including; woodlice, earthworms, an orange spider and… “a snail in its skin!!”- which had the group in fits of laughter.

A highlight from the after-school clubs this week was shelter building at Hangleton Primary School on Wednesday. This was very exciting because in our shelter kit this term we have added large sticks, tarps and rope to allow for more elaborate shelters. Letting the children dive into an activity like this really brings out their character, and to see them working as a team is fantastic. I showed them how to lash sticks together and make tent style shelters.

All of this happened whilst myself and the team are hard at work prepping for exciting Half term Holiday Clubs in Hove Park and at our Base Camp at the Macs Farm in Ditchling. Among many other themes, we will be running a Fortnite Special! (yes the computer game brought to Real Life), Gangster Granny Heist day and a Farm Build project.   This Sunday we'll be at The Macs Farm for the farm Open Day, hope to see you there.  Until next week - Adventure on and enjoy the Sun.