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A Wet and Wonderful October Half Term!

We had a cracking half-term here in West Sussex and would like to thank you all for joining us last week!

Despite the weather, we had a good time all around our 5 sites and we are happy to say that our site in Horsham is growing excellently with some lovely feedback coming in. 

Now we are coming into the rainier seasons I always find it quite amazing how kids react to the weather! Their attitude is inspirational for any adult hesitant to get a little wild with the weather, and what's the key to unlocking this superpower? Waterproofs!

It seems obvious, but they really do make you feel unstoppable in wild weather, enabling you to stroll around casually with a sense of being untouchable! So, with the combination of the 'go for it' attitude of the little 'ens and some trusty waterproofs you can experience the outdoors in new ways. 

I will always love seeing kids rock up fully prepared for whatever the weather may be that day! 

We look forward to seeing you all over the Christmas Holidays! Don't forget your waterproofs!