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Another blog, this time from the parent!

I’ve always had a real thing about holiday clubs and in fact any kind of organised activity for kids to do during the holidays that might even remotely feel like school. For me holidays should be about halcyon days of mucking around in the woods, paddling in streams and generally getting dirty and kicking about outside.

And yet here I am as a mum of three, Amelia, 10, Leila, 8 and Joseph, 6, trying to find clubs my kids during the school holidays. Because while I love the idea of Famous Five style adventures all day long all summer, a woman has gotta work and wi-fi is never up to much in the deepest, darkest of woods! Some days I just need to get the kids out of the house so I can knuckle down to my ace job at Digital Mums and the kids can have a good time too.

And so it was that I started looking for ‘activity days’ for the kids. I quickly discounted any club that was set in an actual school because frankly who wants to go there in the holidays. I certainly didn’t as a kid!

So step forward the Outdoors Project - a day totally outside, with other kids, making stuff, running around, getting dirty...what not to love?

They had lots of different days organised in different parks and outdoor spaces in Bristol so we chose one in a local park. Rowan, the leader, was super friendly when we arrived and gave the kids a really warm welcome. There were about 20 kids there and they quickly got going with a tag type game for them all to get to know each other. My three just bounced off without looking back.

All three of them were so positive about their experience throughout the day. There was just so much going on! They talked about tons of different team games, fun craft activities, rope swings, den building and so much more. Each of them also brought home different things they had made out of twigs and wood; keyrings, coat hangers, stick men - they were very pleased with themselves!

Each of them also talked about different kids they had made friends with during the day and I really liked the way the groups were always mixed up so there was plenty of chances to meet people.

By the time I picked them up around 3pm, they were all really buzzing and full of stories of the day. They showed me their brilliant dens they had made and introduced me to new friends. All three of them were exhausted when we got home! And for me to say that about my 6 year old boy is really something as he is a total duracell bunny.

I’m definitely planning on booking them into other days during the school summer holidays. I loved that, regardless of age, everyone felt included and that there was something for them to do. That time we chose a day in a local park but next time we might try one of the slightly more adventurous days at Oldbury Court. I love the idea of a stream walk, bridge building and river paddling for them too. Mind you Joseph has also heard that they do a ‘Nerfageddon’ day - might have to book them in for two days!

All three have asked me more than once if they can go back again during the summer holidays so in my book that’s a total success. Thanks the Outdoors Project!