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Bristol Forest School

Bristol Forest Schools

For many educational settings in the city, the lack of proximity to a forest may feel like an obstacle to outdoor learning/forest school. At The Outdoors Project our raison d’étre is to make outdoor learning more accessible; bringing outdoor activities into schools, parks and even gardens. When setting up in 2014, The Outdoors Project Bristol Director, Rowan Hibbett, decided to run some activities in his nearest childhood park in St Andrew’s….and never left!

Aside from running regular holiday clubs and Birthday parties there, The Outdoors Project has also run Parent and Child sessions, workshops and Forest Schools for local Schools and Nurseries. Since 2019, Green Door. Nursery have been coming for fun, weekly Forest School sessions. Although the Park is without a forest, the council and Friends of St Andrew’s Group have encouraged wildlife by leaving any felled trees and planting wildflowers and have also sculpted creatures into some of these trees. We not only use the felled trees for seating but also for clambering and a childhood favourite; bug hunting. The park has plenty of bird and pond life and an incredible variety of trees; so plenty of scope for masses of learning and fun. Much of the Forest School experience is about discovery and play, so we ensure that there are swings, hammocks, water play, dens and most importantly MUD: A massive favourite for this group!

A forest is, of course, an amazing place for everyone to explore, play and discover but we firmly believe that the activities, socio-emotional benefits and joy associated with being in the woods can
be enjoyed in any outdoor environment.


If you would be interested in a Forest School/School workshop; please contact