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Bristol Holiday Clubs explained to children


  • Clubs run from 10am-3pm
  • On arrival your adult will need to sign you in with the leader so we can check emergency contact numbers and any allergies or additional needs we need to know about to make sure your day with us is safe and fun.
  • Once signed in you’ll collect a coloured bib, put your lunch under the tents, say hi to instructors, goodbye to your adults and then go and get running around with a couple of games until everyone has arrived.
  • Once everyone has arrived and is signed in we'll get the whole group together, introduce ourselves and tell you all about the plans for the day.
  • We will always make sure that you are with your friends so make sure to point out who you want to be in a group with and get the same coloured bib on! 
  • We won’t force you to participate in any activities, but we will ask you to listen to the instructions for the activities in case you decide, later on, to join in. We encourage free play, exploration and discovery within certain boundaries (to keep you safe).
  • There'll be plenty of opportunities for water and toilet breaks throughout the day and hand washing before food breaks.
  • Home time: At the end of the day you will be signed out to a designated person. If this person is not your own parent or carer, we will need to be informed, ideally at sign-in. Please ensure you take home all your belongings, as we often end up with lost property.







It's normal to be a little nervous on your first day but trust us when we say everyone who comes has SO MUCH FUN! All our instructors are really kind, friendly and there to make sure you have a great time. They love to show you how to join in and will make sure to introduce you to new friends. We won’t force you to participate in any activities, but we will ask you to listen to the instructions for the activities in case you decide, later on, to join in. We encourage free play, exploration and discovery within certain boundaries (to keep you safe).

"You'll never be bored when you try something new. There's really no limit to what you can do!" Dr Suess.



  • Packed lunch & water
  • Sturdy shoes (no flip flops and wellies encouraged in autumn & winter)
  • Season appropriate clothing: Waterproofs, warm clothes, hats & gloves or sun cream & sun hat for summer
  • For the ‘Stream Walk’ in Oldbury Court, you will need a rucksack to carry food, drink, maybe spare clothes, coat and potentially a change of footwearThe actual walk in the stream occurs at the end of the day so feet won’t be wet for too long. Welly boots are somewhat cumbersome to carry or wear during the rest of the day and may not prevent wet feet. Water shoes might be best. A sense of adventure is definitely a bonus! 


To give you a feel for the kinds of activities and games we love, why not try some of the ideas on our blog in your home, garden or local park?