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Volunteering Success Stories

Sky - Current Role: Group Leader

Sky joined us in 2019 as a volunteer on our Leadership & Character Development Program, to help out at some of our clubs and gain some work experience in childcare. She had experience taking care of her younger siblings whilst her mum was at work and she'd just come from working in the hospitality industry. She was keen to try something new and, being into the outdoors, this seemed a good fit.

Sky started off by helping out at a couple of holiday clubs and an afterschool club once a week, shadowing our lead instructors and being shown the ropes. She quickly took to the role, discovering a real passion for working with children outdoors. We completed Sky's training and offered her a role as an assistant instructor which she took on with enthusiasm and willingness to learn. She attended several training days. read over all the supporting training guides, and has since worked up through the ranks to become a group leader at holiday clubs. 

She is a really positive role model and loves being a group leader.  

Sky's take on working for the outdoor project: "I've always had a love and passion for the outdoors, so as soon as I found out about The Outdoors Project, I knew I had to get involved. It brings everyone together from all walks of life and allows children to grow as individuals, express themselves, as well as grow connections and friendships through fun, raw outdoor play. I love working with the children, creating all round laughter whilst teaching new skills, and giving the opportunity for children to enjoy the outdoors. Especially for those that otherwise may have not had much access to do so. Since being a part of their leadership program, I've gained confidence and skills to carry out my role and become a group leader and I love it!"  

Fin - Current Role: Holiday Club Assistant Instructor

Fin used to come to The Outdoors Project when he was in primary school and has since joined the ranks as an instructor! The clubs obviously had a positive impact during his childhood and left a lasting memory, so for Fin, coming back and giving more memorable experiences to children seemed a good choice. When he turned 15, he got in touch to see if there was any work experience available and offered his services. We took Fin on as a young volunteer and started him off on the Leadership & Character Development Program, taking it at a steady pace with him joining us for various holiday clubs throughout the year. The kids loved having a young enthusiastic leader like Fin around to help out and play. Fin soon showed he is focused, hard working and willing to learn - asking questions about how to better himself in his role. Being around young adults enjoying their role as instructors was also a positive role model experience for Fin to gain valuable insight and help him to make the choices he wanted to make as he was leaving school and starting higher education.

Fin works as an assistant instructor during the holidays and is a valuable member of the team!

Fin's take on working with The Outdoors Project and the leadership program: "I have great memories of the Outdoors Project from when I was younger and so I was thrilled when I was given the opportunity to work with the team. I really enjoy working and being active outside, supervising the children and making sure they have a great time!"

Dougie - Current Role: Assistant Holiday Club Instructor 

Dougie joined us in the summer of 2019 as a volunteer at our holiday clubs in the park. He was looking for some experience over summer and wanted to be outdoors as much as possible, so naturally this was the place to be! He's naturally good with younger children and they look up to him. He's quick to join in and play, showing enthusiasm and having good fun with the activities, which the kids love! After completing his Leadership & Character Development training, he joined us as a part-time after school club assistant & holiday club assistant, which he fitted in around his hours at college.

Dougie's take on working for the outdoors project: "Joining the Outdoors Project as a volunteer was an excellent experience over summer. I learnt a lot and really enjoyed working as part of a team who were really happy in what they do. Completing the training and joining them for an afternoon a week during my college time helped give me a bit of extra money and enjoyable job experience alongside my studies. It's the perfect role for me because during the holidays I can pick up more shifts and enjoy being outdoors all day and then return to my studies once the term starts up and holiday clubs finish"

Start your journey with us and apply to be a volunteer by clicking here