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Lewes Team at Elderflower Fields Festival

Lewes enjoyed running activities at Elderflower Fields over the May Bank Holiday! Elderflower fields is a family friendly festival in Ashdown Forest filled with activities for the kids (and adults) to do. 

Running Galactic Nerf Games with plenty of Alien Target Practice and playing "Battle for the Dark Saber" kids joined forces as the Rebels, Mandalorians, Imperials or Wookies and took to the Nerf Arena to be the victorious team! Lots of fun all round and feedback from parents and kids was great! "They're loving this" & "What a great idea who doesn't love a good nerf battle". Lots of parents getting involved as well which is great to see as usually its a drop and go club! 

We ran a Annual Super Stick Championships Competition too where kids were encouraged to find a stick that they felt is worthy of being entered into the "Most Powerful, Most Awesome, Most Dangerous or Most Beautiful" Categories. There was also "Best Stick" which was hard to judge but went to the one that the team felt looked like a pair of beautiful stag antlers! Winners received an Outdoors Project patch and a t shirt. This attracted a crowd of all ages to enter and gained comments from passing kids, adults and teens like "I'm so into this" and "how awesome is this!" So nice to celebrate the humble stick in its wonderful simplicity, afterall a stick is so much more than just a stick - it's a sword, a wand, a staff and so much more to the child's imagination. 

We also ran a "Blobster Village" where we recreated the festival on miniature level filling it with a variety of imaginative and fun creatures made from clay and natural resources. Lovely and calm way to start the day, warm up the brain and get creative! 

We loved chatting to our current and new potential customers, getting excited for the summer holidays ahead in Lewes and feeling very much part of the festival vibe. We can't wait to next year and hopefully see you there! 

Elderflower Fields