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Look out!

Firstly... better late than never! We had a great summer here at ODP West Sussex, running at 5 different sites, having an absolutely smashing time at all of them! So thank you to all who joined us!

Secondly, Look Out! Here comes Rob in his new van! He's well chuffed with it so if you see him driving around in it make sure to give him a massive wave and thumbs up! 


With October half term around the corner James has been getting kit ready for our 5 sessions across our 5 sites, putting his creative building hat on... and his waterproofs, to make our 'Among Us' session kit out of recycled materials and great passion of his! 

Whilst James has been doing this Rob has been trying on a new set of clothes for his winter collection... 


Personally I think its rather flattering, and if you want to see it in motion click here

We hope to see a lot of familair faces at this half term as well as many new ones, and if you're interesting in checking out the session and booking onto a day follow this link here;

Wishing you all a happy Autumn! 

The Outdoors Project West Sussex