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SUMMER '18 AFTER SCHOOL CLUB REPORT. Read all about this terms happenings.

Our mission is to encourage children to spend quality time outdoors and gain all the benefits from doing so! Fresh air, exercise, developing friendships, learning about nature, engaging in “wild time”, exploring creativity & imagination, learning new skills and above all having fun!!  The below life & learning skills are incorporated into our sessions this term.

Physical Activity *  Teamwork, Co-operation and Leadership Skills * Positive tech engagement with nature * Outdoors Learning & awareness of environment * Literacy & Science

The children have been really enthusiastic about the activities we've done so far this term and we have all been very impressed by the creative twists and ideas they come up with.

This term the children have excelled in the sessions. Some popular ones have been Nature Detectives, a slightly more challenging take on a nature scavenger hunt and the Egg Drop Challenge, where the children are challenged to make a protective barrier around an egg with a set amount of materials to see if it can survive being dropped from height.

Some of the high energy games sessions such as Fortnite Nerf and Ringo are filled with a lot of excitement and can be a test to the children’s sportsmanship skills and teamworking abilities in a more competitive environment. This gives instructors an opportunity to work on and role model good game play attitude as the sessions progress throughout term. The groups work well as a team and its great to see relationships across the age ranges flourish.

Activities that have run the first half of Summer Term:

Natural Play  Get to know your instructors and the new term’s club members in a creative and structured games session. The school day is over now let’s get some exercise and free our minds by running around as much as possible! Join either the Saxon Wolves or Odin’s Eagles for a giant Viking style capture the flag game, then avoid the creeper in the real life Minecraft universe

Team Building Many of our activities encourage teamwork so we’ve got some fun challenges planned to help develop this together. Work together to avoid capture by the doubled headed snake using the resources provided or race to complete the magic carpet challenge ahead of your competitors.

Bush Craft- 5 Stick Den Building Challenge  Think you can build a decent den? Lets put it to the test! Two teams compete to build the best free-standing bush craft shelter using the resources provided. Then we’ll put them to the test with some fun games. Watch out for the hungry bear on the prowl!

Nature Detectives We’re surrounded by all sorts of wildlife in our school environment, so this is your chance to see what you can find to fit our fun filled challenges – Matchbox squeeze challenge and Egg tray scavenger hunt. Show us your detective skills!

Egg Drop Challenge Will your egg survive or be the yolk of the day? In teams we’ll try and build a protective layer with various resources to be put to the test as your fragile egg is launched.  Teams will be rewarded on design, teamwork and their final result.

Ringo Prepare for an epic game of hunt or be hunted. When you hear the horn blow the games will begin!

Activities running 2nd half of Summer Term:

Camp fire building & Marshmallow Toasting Summer’s finally here, which means…Camping season!! After several terms of honing fire lighting skills we now reap the rewards.  Let’s practice building a solid and safe camp fire and toast those tasty camp fire treats, Yum!

Air Toy Assembling Learn to make your very own air toys to take home out of simple resources and have free roam over our selection of fun flying toys.

Nerf Fortnite Special (only @ Nerf participating schools)  Our aim is to bring the hugely popular video game into real life, outside away from the screen and employing the imagination. Players divide into “squads” and scavenge lifesaving resources, build bases and compete against the other squad before the storm closes in.  Nerf is high energy and a lot of fun for either enthusiasts or those who want to give it a go. We adapt the games to suit the age and dynamic of the group.

Water Blasting Battles – Light hearted water-based games using our armoury of water blasters! *Disclaimer* There will be water and there will be laughs, pack a towel!

Bubble Wands Big bubbles are no trouble in our session of bubbly wonder! Make your own bubble wands to take home and send some giant bubbles flying into the sky mixed with plenty of games to keep us entertained all afternoon!

Buccaneers & Buried Gold  Treasure Island themed  Go on the quest for buried gold and learn to make your own pirate treasure maps. Then man the cannons as the captain kids take on the blackbeard’s in a game of cannon ball toss.

Molkky A Finnish throwing game invented in 1996 which is based on kyykka, a centuries old throwing game which used to use physical strength to throw giant skittles. Molkky is much easier and suitable for all ages. It is a game based on chance and skill.

Deer Hunter & The Grid ( Non-Nerf Participating Schools)  The grid is a team based game of memory and chance. Complete to be allowed safe passage past the guardian, one wrong move and you will face their penalty. Escape the hunter in the forest and make it to safety in deer hunter.

Wide Games (Non-Nerf Participating Schools)  Like our natural play session with a ton of good fun games to get running around outside and freeing those young minds!