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The Journey Stick

A fun activity involving the humble yet mighty stick! When embarking on a walk in our local green space or in our gardens there’s so much to see and find! From the mighty oak tree with its branches to climb, to a grassy field full of dandelions basking in the sunshine! Throughout time many native people around the world have used “Journey Sticks” to collect items important to them, attach them to their stick and use the stick to retell the story of their journey. We challenge you to make a “Journey Stick” yourself to retell the story of your adventure in nature!




- A sturdy stick of your choice, long enough to be able to tie items to.
- String – for tying items to the stick or elastic bands make great alternatives to avoid fiddly knots.
- Scissors to cut the string

You will need to embark on a journey into nature! This can be in your garden, local park, woodland or beach. Depending on your age and the area you are exploring please make sure an adult, older sibling or friends are with you. 
As you make discoveries along your journey you can use the string to tie your favourite finds to your journey stick. Whatever grabs your attention!
No Pick, No Lick rule! We always stick to natural things that have fallen to the ground and not picked from living plants which need it more than us! Do not put plants anywhere near your mouth as some can be harmful and always wash your hands after touching them. 
You can make a journey stick for one outdoors adventure or you can make a journey stick that will last all summer long, adding items that symbolise important memories for you after each journey, so at the end of summer you can remember and retell your story!
What can you find on your journey? What does it feel and smell like? What colour is it?  Where did it come from? What does the item mean to you or remind you of? 
Send us in pictures and stories of your Journey stick!