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Wild Day in the Woods, Shoreham

"I’ve been looking at The Outdoors Project for a while – it’s a little after my own heart.  But until now, my shy ones have resisted my booking them in.  However, with a whole mob booked from their school, plus sleepover friends going along, they were thrilled to have been invited to review it." My Fluxy Forties blogger reviews our Holiday Club in Shoreham - Wild Day in the Woods...

"My girls like nothing better than a camp out and can often be found in our garden making potions or mud pies, building dens or designing fairy houses, so The Outdoors Project is right up our street.

I needn’t have worried – even without school chums there, my girls would have been fine. The Outdoors Project’s play leaders were friendly and welcoming (the man at the Cup Cake Cafe said he gets much joy from watching them being big kids) and very soon had this bunch of 19 playing dodge-ball.  So I could slope off confident that the kids would be happy and well looked after."

So, what did the girls think of the club?


“Would have been even better with real badgers, foxes and bear cubs.”

“I wish we had longer to play in the dens – can we sleepover?”

“My best bits were making fire and peeling the staff.”

Many thanks to My Fluxy Forties and the girls for coming along.