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Winter nights settling in

With Winter on its way and the Autumn light slowly slipping away from us earlier and earlier our clubs will be carried out in darker and darker conditions. Being quite an outdoorsy lot (you'd certainly hope so) we love to make the most of the winter seasons as well as the warmer ones and think it's important to get across to the little ones that there is nothing to fear or moan about! So we have set up some after-school sessions that bring that wintery feeling closer to... errr, school.

Here's Rob, mid explanation of the how-to for our Toffee apples, looking very pleased with himself! This is a session that we did over the October half term as part of our Autumn Campfire Cookout day, we (and the kids) loved this part, so we wanted to bring it into our after-school sessions this term. We think it's a perfect fit for this time of year as there is nothing more lovely than getting warm by a fire and as a bonus getting some food out of it! 

As you can see above instead of a whole apple we've gone with smaller bite-sized chunks, definitely more child-friendly, we all know how scary a whole piece of fruit can be for some kids...

We cook those apple chunks in a brown sugar and butter mixture for a few minutes, then stick it on a toothpick, blow on it 20 times, then finally pop it in our mouths to enjoy the blissful flavour that it beholds!

We'll also be doing our classic fire lighting session, teaching the kids the basics behind using a flint and steel and then applying that to some cotton wall for an easy spark catch. A session as old as time but one that always goes down a treat with the children!

Happy Autumn! 

- James