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A Fresh Approach to Childcare

The Outdoors Project encourages young people to get outdoors more often with immersive and exciting activities. We're all about inspiring children to love nature and giving them space to run free and get active in the fresh air. Fun is the main ingredient and kids return home happy and exhausted.

In 2019, nearly three-quarters of teachers and 84% of school leaders now describe themselves as 'stressed', and more than a third of education professionals have experienced a mental health issue in the past academic year. Almost half (49%) believe their workplace is having a negative impact on their mental health and wellbeing. [Source - The Guardian, 2019]

This is a shocking situation and not enough measures have been taken to improve things. COVID has shown education professionals are some of the 'most key' of key workers. As a result, it is not surprising that teachers are increasingly wanting to diversify from their current lifestyle or have a total change.

The Outdoors Project provides a supportive working environment, offering help and advice every step of the journey; considering all aspects of the franchise opportunity, putting together your business plan, accessing funding to launching your very first club. In July 2021 Lucy in Lincoln made the move from teacher to business owner and we have 3 more teachers now preparing to make the move to business owners in early 2022 around the UK. It is clear to us that teachers have many of the attributes needed to run a successful Outdoors Project franchise.

Teachers want to make a positive difference in the lives of young people through communicating ideas, designing the curriculum, and creating learning. With a desire to help others make progress a change in life circumstances does not need to be a deviation from these passions.

Taking on an Outdoors Project franchise would provide a change in lifestyle with a better work-life balance with autonomy over work schedule, a connection with the outdoors, and creating a positive environment in your local community. Teachers are hugely employable people with lots of transferable skills for running their own business such as picking up and applying new knowledge, holding multiple priorities in their heads, and dealing with stakeholders from all backgrounds.

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