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Autumn Term - Here we come!

Autumn is an exciting time of year with plenty to look forward too and celebrate. Nature takes a moves onto the next stage displaying some amazing colours, acorns start dropping from oak trees and the first frosts start appearing. Halloween is on the horizon and the change in weather calls for the campfires to be lit with hot chocolate and toffee apples to be toasted. What a perfect time of year for kids to get outdoors to play, explore and experience it all!

We'll be starting up after school clubs at Brunswick Primary School, Lancing Preparatory College and Cottesmore St Mary's this term. For a full list of locations, year groups and timings click here and choose your school from drop down the list on the right. 

Here's a snapshot of what we've got coming up in Brighton & Hove this term:  

Welcome Week:

We start off the term with some fun outdoors games so members can get to know the staff a little more and blow off some steam after being at school all day. We'll be playing the "Skittles Game" where members will chomp down the delicious sweets whilst answering amusing creative questions to the group. "Zombie Step" a fun filled avoidance game and "wink murder". This session is our chance to introduce the rules of the club and other fun stuff to know such as how to earn our unique club patches, The Outdoors Ambassador Award and the activities we'll be doing over this term. 


Nature Ninja

In Autumn there are still plenty of seeds to sew! Our Nature Ninjas will be learning about wildflower "seed bombs" and making some of their own to take away and spread seeds in a fun and responsible way. Kids are curious about nature and we love to encourage that discovery & fascination in all that lives around us. 


Bottle Rockets 

ONE, TWO, THREE, BLAST OFF! Build and Launch bottle rockets this term. A physics and creative experiment where we play around with water pressure and launch our bottles into "space"! Whose will make it to another planet and who might not make it past the stratosphere and soak the instructor in the process? We will find out!


Nomadic Atl Atl Spear Throwing & Bushcraft 

Exploring Nomadic tribes and Native Indian traditional tools and firelighting methods. AtlAtl spears were simple woodland crafted tools that throw spears great distances at high speeds, we'll show you how they are made and how to practise safely throwing one. We'll explore different types of natural Tinders and practise lighting fires from cramp balls found in the woods!



Nerf "Spoons of Destiny" 

Kids you'll be letting the "spoons of desitiny" decide the games we'll be playing today! A bit of fun choosing the games and then straight into the NERF action!

Yeti Footprints 

On this outdoors adventure we'll be exploring the mysterious yeti, where they reside and making foot moulds of this giant and gentle beast. If we're lucky enough we'll spot one in the wild! 

That's just a snapshot of some of the activities we've got coming up this Autumn term, with plenty more fun and outdoors madness ocurring! We look forward to seeing you all out there soon! "If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good." Dr Suess

Parent quote of the week: 

"The Outdoor Projects afternoon club was the favorite after school activity for my boys. The loved all the innovative game ideas and could not get enough of the club. There is never a dull moment if Outdoor Project is around!" Laura K