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Job Satisfaction Guaranteed For West Sussex Franchisee

If you are considering a change of direction and feel that being an Outdoors Project franchisee might be for you, please take the time to read what one of our existing franchisees Rob Cruise the West Sussex franchise owner has to say about his franchise journey.

Adventure loving Rob began the West Sussex Outdoor Project Franchise in 2016. Realising that the 9 to 5 was not the right fit for him any longer and with dreams of being his own boss he came across The Outdoors Project and immediately felt that this business aligned with his own values. What particularly appealed to Rob, apart from being able to share his love of the outdoors, was the lack of expensive overheads and the ability to set up the business quickly.

It did not feel like taking a leap into the unknown, as there is always support and guidance from HQ if and when you need it. Rob enjoys that he has been able to make the business his own but knows that there is a support network if he needs it.

Rob loves his job because it enables him to make a living out of something that he is passionate about and thoroughly enjoys. He is equally at home entertaining a group of kids outdoors in the rain as he is dealing with the sales and marketing of the business. He highlights how important finding the ‘right support team’ is so that you can make the business play to your strengths and spend time doing the parts you love.

Summer 2020 has been a particular highlight for Rob. Following the uncertainty of the COVID lockdown, it was welcome news that his holiday clubs were able to go ahead. “We sold out every club and it was pretty emotional having such an amazing time after all the stress and worries of lockdown. When I read all the amazing parent reviews and hear the children talking with such affection about the team that I've built it's an amazing feeling.”

Being an Outdoors Project franchisee has exceeded Rob’s expectations, “A few months in I noticed a weird warm feeling I'd never really felt before - job satisfaction.” 

If you would like to know more about becoming a franchisee, please get in touch.