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Our amazing staff! (Brighton & Hove)

Here we have some of Brighton & Hove's FANTASTIC & LOVELY staff members. They've all been crowned with the Golden Nerf Gun Award for exceptional work, going the extra mile, making huge improvements in themselves and for helping to spead The Outdoors Project's message of OUTDOORS FUN & GOOD VIBES!

We work very hard here in order to have fun. We make sure everyone is well trained in having fun before starting too... And we're proud of all of our employees for how much fun they have & are able to create! The staff below have been singled out because they deserve extra praise & recognition for what they've been up to this summer, as they've really made a good impression on other staff and the company.

We present to you, our Golden Nerf Gun 'Hall of Fame'!!

1) Week 1 = Owen!
He was passed our 'Golden Nerf Gun' for always putting in maximum effort. Owen joined us as part of the government's Kickstarter Scheme at the beginning of the year and has put a lot of energy into the company since then, progressing quickly through our leadership program.

2) Next up: Harry!
Franchise assistant, club leader & all round business backbone. Harry started at the beginning of last year after his economics degree. He's now the Outdoors Project's go-to person for anything franchise related & has helped launch 4 new Outdoors Project franchises since starting. Always bringing positive vibes & clear thinking to everything we do, he's earned the coveted Golden Nerf Gun this time. This summer, Harry was at our Parkwood Scoutcamp site (near Devil's Dyke) where we were running our weekday holiday clubs from 25th July to 19th August.

3) 3rd Employee of the moment = Lauren!
She's worked with us for over a year now, has stepped up as a group leader for Cottesmore school holiday clubs, after school clubs & recently, birthday parties! She's great fun, she loves working with kids, and she's really found her calling working with kids outdoors. You'll can catch her all summer, group leading our holiday clubs at Cottesmore St Mary's School in Hove. We're proud of you Lauren! #absolutehero #vibequeen

4) Here's to Helen!
The Outdoors Project club leader at the Bilingual School & Goldstone School, where demand is through the roof; the talent behind our beautiful signage; Helen is loved by all. We're honoured to have her with us. Our 'ceremony' (staff social) was at the wonderful Beach Box Brighton spa (a beach-side outdoor sauna, with plunge pool & campfire), where a pod of 20 to 30 dolphins were just off-shore! - a truly magical night. Catch her this summer at Cottesmore St Mary's School in Hove.

5)  This week's employee of the moment award goes to Lucy!
For being a super group lead in holiday clubs, growing within the role, & making the sessions fun & exciting for the kids. Great job at Lancing Prep Hove this summer! Thanks Lucy! #mvp #winning

6) We have a dual Employee of the Moment Award this week..!
Louis, you've excelled in your logistics assistant role & as Cottesmore site coordinator, helping to keep everything running smoothly - kits & site management strong & ready for action, plus keeping kids & staff very happy! 
Luke, you’ve been with us since year 9, you excel as an assistant, know the games and activities inside & out and are always a good sport in the dino outfit. Well done both!

7) Another double: Dan & Emily!
Congrats Dan & Emily! Sending the award over the hill to Parkwood. Dan for being a solid site coordinator all summer, driving staff & kit back & forth & being an amazing support! Emily for your excellent group leading skills all summer giving kids a great experience of the outdoors project ethos. Thank you both!

8) And the final Golden Gun Award of the summer goes to.... Mike!
Mike started as an assistant instructor almost a year ago and was swiftly shown the office due to his astonishing attitude and amazing abilities. He's been managing some fantastic marketing campaigns (can you tell who wrote this...?), answers all customer queries with delight, and meticulously helps to plan and organise ODP operations. What a star. Fully deserved. Well done me (sorry, well done Mike!). You can catch Mike leading clubs at St Andrews this term. Or give the office a call - he's always up for a chat with our lovely customers.

Meet the whole team? Are you curious to see who else keeps this show on the road?.... Click here (& scroll to 'meet the team') to read the bios of our staff


What's The Kickstarter Scheme? The Kickstart Scheme provides jobs for 16 to 24 year olds who are on Universal Credit, placing them into meaningful and rewarding jobs, while paying them a full living wage.


Curious about joining? We always keep an eye out for potential new staff members. Whether that's for a full-time role, part-time work, work experience or volunteering. We have staff who just work in the office, while some work just at after school clubs, and some work with us in the school holidays only. We're keen to invest in training & nurturing the right staff member too if they don't have exactly what we're looking for right now. Read our two articles below to find out more & send any enquiries to

- What's it like to work with us?

- What roles do we have?