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Our Parkwood Scout Camp Venue

New Venue - Parkwood Scout Campsite

We are delighted to be able to operate our holiday clubs at Parkwood Scout Camp based in Poynings! Being in Parkwood feels like a real woodland adventure far removed from outside world. An ancient woodland with Bluebells, Primroses and Violets all sprouting through for spring. Kestrel feathers found on the woodland floor, from the soaring birds and the sound of the running stream which meanders through the site - it’s both peaceful and exciting. The camp comes to life with the sound of laughter and play as kids jump off the large tree roots, drag deadwood over to their dens and gather round the crackling campfire to toast hot cross buns.

We set up a couple of woodland shelters for the groups to gather under rain or shine and participate in their activities for the day. Some of the activities we ran over Easter were campfire cooking, potions making, whittling and fire lighting practice. We run the activities for about 45 minutes and between these activities there is plenty of time for play too! We played a giant game of Manhunt with plenty of options to run around & hide - it was great fun. After a couple of rounds we then let the kids take some time to free play & explore the woodland. We set clear boundaries to keep everyone safe and within these boundaries the kids can build dens, explore nature, or play their own games together with friends.

Parkwood encompasses what The Outdoors Project is all about, and we’re really excited to be up there for Whitsun, Summer Holidays and beyond. For Whitsun we’ll be running Star Wars day, Way of the Viking, Campfire Cookout and Advanced Bushcraft so they’ll be plenty of adventures to be had!

(Whittling Practice) 

(Using the Storm Kettle to brew some Nettle Tea on our Bushcraft Day)