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What were our franchisees doing before the Outdoors Project?

We asked our Outdoors Project franchisees what they were doing before they took on their franchise business with us.

Rob, West Sussex Franchisee, "I worked in sales and business development for a whole bunch of different companies."

Vicky, Nottingham West Franchisee, "I was a PE teacher in a secondary school."

Rowan, Bristol Franchisee, "I was an outdoor instructor for a charity based in Brighton."

Lucy, Lincoln Franchisee, "I was a primary school teacher for seven years."

Anthea, Lewes Franchisee, "I worked in a corporate office in the travel industry for about 20 years."

Amy, Havering Franchisee, "I was an assistant head teacher. I'm just getting up and running with my franchise in Havering and this eventually will be my full time job and I can't wait until it is."