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Best pics of Summer 2022

"My 9 year old son attended the Minecraft vs Wildcraft day. He said it was so good, words could not describe how good it was"

Thank you to everyone who's joined us and contributed towards a really special summer; we've had the heat (involving lots of water pistol action & quite a few ice lolly deliveries!) & only about 3 days of rain (phew!) plus tonnes of creativity, action, exploration and chatter! What we've really enjoyed this summer is sharing some wonderful achievements, blossoming friendships & smiley faces with our little friends.

Now it's our turn to have a holiday...  The team have been taking a well earned break this week before returning for autumn term fun & games. Don't forget that we run birthday parties, Saplings (parent & toddler group) & after school clubs throughout the autumn & winter, bookable via our website. We'll be releasing our October half term holiday club places in early September - stay signed up to our newsletter to be the first to hear when they go on sale - sign up to the newsletter here

In this moment of reflection... check out a few of our favourite moments from the summer! Can you spot any familiar faces?

"This feeds my daughter’s soul. Learning & interacting with such fantastic adults brings her such joy. Thank you to all the fabulous team"

"My son’s confidence & ability to mix with kids & adults has really been bolstered by The Outdoors Project. I love that screens are forgotten in favour of the kinds of things we used to do as kids" 

"My son counts down the sleeps and is ready at crack of dawn, with backpack on ready to go. The activities are beyond fun and different,
the people who run the sessions are kind & the booking is super easy"

"‘Mummy, why am I not here more often? It’s so much fun!’ He completely loved it. Normally I can’t get a word out of him but today he couldn’t stop going on about how much fun it was. Thank you, he had a blast!"

"The beauty of The Outdoors Project is the variety, no two days are the same and the staff are amazing. Always our first choice holiday club"

“It’s honestly the most passionate I’ve ever seen my kids behave about anything. We love The Outdoors Project & will continue to use them for many years to come”

"Getting out & enjoying the outdoors is what childhood is about - building confidence, trust, & independence - how can you go wrong. My son and daughter always have the best time"

"We live close to one of the sites and can hear laughter all day long, whatever the weather! Thanks for all your effort Outdoors Project team!"

"My 9 year old son attended the Minecraft vs Wildcraft day. He said it was so good, words could not describe how good it was"

"I wish something like the Outdoors Project was around when I was a child. Superb!"

"He's so excited to be there, we barely get a bye now!"

"We're new to the area and this is by far our best discovery! Our kids begged to go back every day. The staff are amazing.
Great price for a full on day of fun and learning"

"As always, it’s the people at The Outdoors Project that make it. Thanks everyone!"

"Fantastic, fun holiday clubs that my kids love (in fact the only holiday club my 6 year old will go to). I know they're getting fresh air & exercise while I'm cramming in work during the holidays - it's a lifesaver for working parents!"

How was your experience?

Have you & your kids enjoyed the year so far with The Outdoors Project? - including at our after school clubs, birthday parties, holiday clubs and Saplings parent & toddler group?

If so, we've love to hear what your experience was like. It helps inform what we do, it helps other parents have confidence in choosing us, plus the team love hearing feedback about their work! There's a £200 voucher up for grabs for any review left over the summer (and you can leave as many as you like, on as many providers as you like! - Google preferred!).

We'll draw the lucky winner out of the hat on 6th September



Adventure on,
The Outdoors Project x