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Creativity and new after school clubs!

Exciting news for those of you in the Crawley area, after running successful Holiday clubs we are happy to announce we will now be running After School Clubs at Three Bridges Primary School in the new year spring term! We will run a KS1 at the lower site and a KS2 at the upper site both happening on a Monday, please help us spread the word by telling your friends about this new club. We are very excited about this and we hope to see many of you there!

I thought I'd take this opportunity to also share a few fun creative sessions we will be doing in the spring term, some of my favorite sessions to lead are the ones that involve some kind of creativity outlet for the kids for example we have a session for next year called Animal Ambassador; Sea Turtle Edition! This great session teaches the kids about the life of a sea turtle, some awesome facts about them and what kind of predators they might encounter. The bulk of this session is creating their very own sea turtle to take home.

Here's one I made earlier... 

Super easy and very fun to make! What I love about these sessions is seeing each of the kid's uniqueness shine through with what they are getting creative with, with the number of different designs and the focus that comes across their faces to turn their imagination into a reality. It's really rewarding for both the instructors to see and for the children to achieve! 

Another session we are running is Giant Catapults, a session where the kids have to work in a team to create a catapult that will be able to destroy their opposition team's cone bases. 

Again, here's one I made earlier... 

I love seeing this session take place as well, it's really wonderful watching a team come together to create a structure with a goal in mind and to see their joy when they manage to create something truly awesome, and it's even better to see their enthusiasm reach new levels when they realise that it works! 

We are very excited about the sessions we are doing for the Spring term in 2024 and we are looking forward to seeing new faces as well as the old. 

- James