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West Sussex says Farewell 2020 and Bring On 2021!

We've got so much to look forward to in the year ahead!

Let's not waste any time discussing what an awful year it’s been in so many ways for so many people, like everyone we at The Outdoors Project have certainly faced our challenges but there’s also loads of things to feel really grateful for and super-excited by for the year ahead.

Partnering with schools for holiday clubs

For summer 2020 the pandemic meant running holiday clubs in the park was a non-starter but when we really started to think about all the benefits of being on site at a school for our holiday clubs we quickly realised we were onto something excellent. Being in parks has some cool things going for it of course; we love being out in the community and seeing smiling passers-by come and go wondering what we’re up to. But on a school site you’ve just got that extra level of safety and security, and of course no dogs going after the kids’ lunches doesn't hurt! For the year ahead in West Sussex expect to find us on school sites every school holidays.

Coming up for 2021

In West Sussex we’ve had confirmation from both The Globe in Lancing and Goring Primary School in Worthing that we can run holiday clubs there all year, starting from February Half Term. This is such great news and the team can’t wait to get back out there doing what we do.

We’ll increase our after-school clubs as and when the schools are able to have us back, there’s a lot of variation in how schools are approaching their after school offerings so we just keep in touch with them and kick things back off as and when we can.  

Weekend Clubs at St Nicolas and St Mary’s Primary School in Shoreham-by-Sea got off to a great start on the 5th and 12th December and we’re back doing those again from the 9th January. All the details of what’s coming up are available here. As well as providing childcare for parents and carers at the weekend these Saturday clubs also provide the opportunity for birthdays to be celebrated with us once again! We offer group discounts and the birthday kid will get an Outdoors Project T-shirt, a patch of their choice and we’ll discuss with you any other ways we can make it a bit special (we came up with a new Among Us themed game for one of our birthday kids in December!)  

Plenty to be excited about then and many many opportunities to have a great time with us outdoors!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone and we look forward to a seeing you all in 2021.


Rob, and the West Sussex team.