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Flexible childcare for our flexible lives

During the school holidays, the idea of working from home with the kids, versus the reality of working from home, are two different things. Endless snack requests, restless children who need to burn off steam outdoors, and the added parental guilt of kids watching TV all day or gaming with friends doesn’t make for the ideal solution for anyone.

We get that full-time childcare isn’t needed or feasible for many parents, but kids do need to get out, hang out with people of their own age and burn off energy. We can help with that!

Our mission is to provide the most fun outdoor activities in a safe and engaging environment where kids can be kids, make new friends, learn new skills and experience the great outdoors.  

New to 2023 - Parents asked for a 9am start time and we listened! - your kids can have an even longer day with us, and you can have a longer day for yourself. Book for a day, a week, or longer. Clubs run every weekday through the school holidays, year-round.



Kids can have some chill time in their PJs before heading down with their packed lunch for hours of fun and a day out with new friends. Parents can get their work done or have a much-needed break for themselves during the long holidays. We can’t pour from an empty cup and getting that balance is key!

We provide a range of activities that will keep children engaged and entertained all day long, with new & unique activities being added to the bill each school holiday.

There really is something for everyone to get stuck into and enjoy. Our instructors are skilled and experienced in working with children and are passionate about creating a fun and memorable experience. We listen to their feedback and adapt the days to make keep them current and make them even more fun each time.

Parents often feel relief at not having to plan a big day out for the kids, that involves requests for ice creams, souvenirs and grumbles if the chosen activity isn’t to their taste that day. We always see the gratitude on parents faces at pick up when their child comes bounding out with stories from their day. With energy burnt off, new friends made, & one of the main reasons parents book being because 'their child wants to come' (according to our 2022 & 2023 customer surveys), speaks volumes in the fun that they have at with us.

The Outdoors Project offers a unique and flexible experience for children during school holidays. It provides a guilt-free day off for parents who need some flexibility and a break, not only to work but to allow their kids to be kids with children their own ages who love to share the same sense of humour and silly jokes. No one is superhuman and often our parents say that they use the time kids are in clubs to do something fun for themselves, ensuring that they are rested and able to be more present and fun for the rest of the school holidays. A burnt-out parent needs a break as much as the kids need to get out and do something different. It’s a win-win!