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Shaun by The Sea: Say hello to Countess Sheepy! - Brighton & Hove


Hello parents,

We're loving the Shaun by the Sea art trail!

We know many of you have downloaded the app & are making your way around the trail. If you're looking for a bit of quiet time en-route, be sure to stop off at Hove Museum of Art & Creativity & meet Countess Sheepy - you can get the kids counting sheep! 

You’ll be greeted outside by Shaun the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes, & inside you'll find Countess Sheepy with her chums from Lancing Prep Hove & Hove Surf Life Saving School. 

Please do send in a photo of you with Countess Sheepy & your guess of the number of sheep on her!

We were so pleased to have our little friend with us over the summer. It's been a long journey for her...!

After gambolling around the fields with the kids at clubs having baaaa-rilliant adventures, our sheep was ready for some quiet time - she headed home for last supper before a makeover with one of our artistic instructors, Ella

Hove museum is lovely! There’s a great cafe, a lovely Japanese woodcuts exhibition, a craft gallery, & a film & toy exhibition too. And it’s FREE!
It’s fun, it connects people, Brighton already looks brighter with all the Shauns dotted around, but mainly to raise money for the amazing Martlet’s Hospice - we've donated £600 & are hoping that our lovely community will help us match or even exceed our donation.


Donate & feel baa-rilliant! - Here's our Just Giving page for the art trail