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The Importance of an Outdoors Project Franchise Discovery Day

We run our Outdoors Project Discovery Days to allow for potential franchisees to come and visit us at Brighton HQ for a day to see our Holiday Clubs in action across a number of sites that we run.
We encourage potential franchisees to come to visit us in Brighton for a Discovery Day as early into the conversation about starting a franchise as possible. We do this as our Discovery Days provide a great opportunity for prospective investors to come and visualize whether an Outdoors Project franchise is for them by seeing the clubs in action as well as talk to us in person. This gives anyone who visits a real snapshot into the culture of the Outdoors Project.
We believe that a franchise is more than just a business decision it is a life decision. During our franchisee recruitment process we have initial conversations over video calls and email to talk about the business, but coming to a Discovery Day is the next step of the process and the one which provides real clarity for the potential franchisee about whether this is something they want to do.
We structure our conversations in the lead up to the Discovery Days to make sure attendees are prepared as possible, so that if following a Discovery Day, the potential franchisee wants to move forward with the franchise we are ready to support that happening. Our experiences with launching previous Outdoors Project franchises means we are confident in our launch strategy, training and support in those initial 6 months to get the business off the ground. 
An Outdoors Project Discovery Day is a crucial step along the path of joining our franchise family and spreading outdoor fun for kids across the UK.

Get in contact now to sign up to our next Discovery Days here the Outdoors Project!