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Christmas Holiday Clubs - Week 1 Update

Merry Christmas all as we wish everyone a safe and joyful Christmas from all of the Outdoors Project team!

Last week marked our first ever Christmas Holiday clubs as we ran them at Lancing Prep school in Hove. We enjoyed an excellent week of mild and dry weather for December and a fantastic set of clubs. Some of the highlights of the week included a fantastic crafts day on Thursday where the kids made some beautiful nature Christmas lanterns as well as a nature decoration for their homes. There was a nerf battle between Santa and Santa's 'evil' twin who was out to ruin Christmas, lots of campfire cookout treats and much more...

The demand for the clubs this Christmas has been outstanding. Thanks to all the kids who attended last week that made the week for special.

We move location this week as we host three days which are all completely SOLD OUT at Cottesmore School. Good luck to all of our franchises also running last starting this week!

On the agenda this week...

Bad Santa Nerf Battles

Winter Campfire Cookout

Christmas Woodland Crafts