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Winter Campfire Cookout - Christmas Holiday Clubs // ODP Deeper Dive

With our Christmas Holiday clubs in Brighton & across our franchises around the corner we are taking the opportunity to dive deep into an Outdoors Project favourite – Campfire Cookout.  

With the days becoming increasingly shorter and the temperature outside dropping the outdoor world can seem more daunting. Yet spending time in nature all throughout the year allows us to appreciate the seasonal changes in our environment and adjust our lifestyle accordingly.

One of the lifestyles changes that people make over the winter is having to heat up the places we spend our time in. Now it is easy, although expensive, to turn on the heating in our house and huddle together in one room, away from the elements. Yet not too long ago we were huddling around fires in our homes to keep us warm. This is something we as humans have been doing for thousands of years.

The fire comes to represent comfort and warmth over the coldest season. Bringing the kids together to gather around a campfire is something they love especially when there are some winter treats involved. Our winter campfire cookout involves the kids cooking their own drop pancakes on the fire, mastering the art of brewing pine needle tea and developing their bushcraft skills (see ‘Teaching Kids about Fire Safety & its History… Bushcraft Firelighting)

The drop pancakes will be a chance for the kids to share their own campfire cooking experiences as well as develop their awareness of behaving responsibly around fires while enjoying a delicious pancake. Many of the kids will have never tried or perhaps even heard of pine nettle tea, so we talk about the history and the health benefits of the drink.

We will be running Winter Campfire Cookout in Brighton at Lancing Prep on Monday 12th December and at Cottesmore School on Thursday 22nd December.