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Introducing.... Phill!

2023 has brought us many wonderful things. One of those is Brighton & Hove's fantastic new Club Manager, Phill!

You might've seen him at holiday clubs or after school clubs already over the past few months. Here's an introduction to the marvellous Phill:

“I’m a dad of 2 boys myself, so I really know kids! I’ve been in management roles for many years - working outdoors & in - but was really happy to join the OP team back in June, taking on the Club Manager role & doing something meaningful. It’s been challenging, but I love a challenge, & it's a whole load of great fun!"

"I've loved getting to know all the kids from the different schools & being a bit of a kid myself sometimes! I’m keen to grow things here in Brighton & Hove, & get the message out there for as many kids as possible to have the kind of experiences they should be having away from the screen: outdoors fresh-air fun; making camps; playing with sticks; making friends & getting grubby!! 2024? Bring it on!”

Phill will be at holiday clubs and after school clubs in 2024 - come & say hi!

Phill Brighton Club Manger The Outdoors Project

The Outdoors Project's Phill - Brighton Club Manger