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The 2023/24 Customer Survey

The future is in your hands...

(& potentially £250 of vouchers too)


Dens, toasted marshmallows, fun & games won't change the world... but the kids who play can!

Tell us what you want to see in the future of The Outdoors Project

We're currently plotting new fun times for 2024 & we're curious to hear what's most important to you & what makes our little friends smile: the activities & themes, staff, club locations, booking system, customer service, price... or something else?

Your name will go in a hat for chance to win £250 of Outdoors Project vouchers too!


Just click the button below to get started, it should take around 5 minutes.

Complete the survey here


As ever, thanks for your support.

Adventure on,
The Outdoors Project HQ


T&Cs - Entry for the prize draw closes at 5pm 23rd February, The winner will be drawn at random 29th Feb & the winner will be contacted by the email address registered in the survey.